Color Charts

Color Charts are not always available, this category can be empty when you view this site. The reason is, that we have to create each single chart by ourselfes and this takes a lot of time.
When new Color Charts available this will be shout out at Social Media.

Please note: When you placed an order, use the comment field to write in if there are any new colors which you don't own yet. I will put free samples to your order then. You can also mention, if you want a specific sample for rabbit fur for example!

Solid Shaggy Fake Fur Fabric Long Pile - Color Chart
35,00 EUR
incl. 19% tax
Solid Shaggy Fake Fur Fabric Long Pile - Color Chart UV Shaggy
15,00 EUR
incl. 19% tax
1-6 Fabric Samples - 380g Stoffhummel Minky
3,50 EUR
incl. 19% tax
1 Fabric Sample - Long Pile Shaggy Fur
2,00 EUR
incl. 19% tax
1-3 Fabric Samples - Rabbitfur
2,00 EUR
incl. 19% tax
1 to 6 (from a total of 6)